The University of Southampton

Strength of Physical Sciences and Engineering research demonstrated in national framework agreement

Published: 4 August 2017
The University of Southampton is home to several advanced research facilities including the multi-million pound cleanroom complex

The University of Southampton has secured its place within the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Framework Agreement for the next three years.

This status is confirmation of the breadth and depth of research at the University with a current EPSRC portfolio of 146 grants worth over £211m.

The University’s Faculty of Physical Sciences and Engineering, which contains the Departments of Electronics and Computer Science and Physics and Astronomy together with the Optoelectronics Research Centre, is currently undertaking over £89m of this research across 65 current grants.

Professor Bashir Al-Hashimi, Dean of Physical Sciences and Engineering, says: “The EPSRC Framework Agreement is a significant outcome for the University and reflects the thriving research community that continues to grow in our Faculty. Our researchers are carrying out impactful research and making fundamental advances in their disciplines and with ongoing EPSRC support this successful environment will continue long into the future.”

Southampton is one of 12 universities in the EPSRC Framework Agreement. The scheme aims to provide a structured and systematic basis for discussions between the EPSRC and the University, to help identify activities they can work on together. The agreement doesn’t provide any extra funding, but helps to recognise opportunities to use existing EPSRC funding more flexibly.

Southampton’s continued inclusion comes after a review undertaken by the research council, which was been based on the analysis of all new grants awarded in the past three years, including all research grants, fellowship grants and training grants awarded following competitive peer review.

Professor Mark Spearing, Vice-President (Research and Enterprise), comments: “The strong relationship we have with the EPSRC is very important in helping us and them align our strategies, to ensure all research investment is delivering and impact is being seen and recorded. We look forward to another three prosperous years working together.”

Research at the Optoelectronics Research Centre currently receives the largest portion of EPSRC funding at Southampton, with 30 current grants worth over £48m including the £10m National Hub in High Value Photonic Manufacturing and the £6m Silicon Photonics for Future Systems programme grant.

Electronics and Computer Science at Southampton is currently undertaking £33m across 28 current grants, while the Department of Physics and Astronomy is progressing £7m of research in seven current projects.

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